Sunday, November 17, 2013

Here's how it works

Okay, so we all have hundreds and hundreds of books that we have bought, love, can't get rid of but are collecting dust on our shelves or are in boxes. Okay, so maybe that's just me. But I was thinking that maybe we could share our a library.

So if you are willing to share/loan out your books, this is the place for you.

Here's how it should work:

You list your books here....the key to keeping this organized is that little button on the right called "Labels." You create a new post with the name of the book and a review if you want. Then add a couple labels: The letter of the alphabet that the book starts with, your name, and the author. You could also enter the genre if you know it. If we all label our books, then it should keep things somewhat organized.

You search for books here. If you find one you want to borrow, then you contact that person and see if you can borrow that book. Remember, we are BORROWING books. This means when you are done, you need to return it to that person. That way we can keep things in rotation.

Once you have read and returned the book, you can make a comment on that post, giving it a review, a recommendation, a thumbs down. That way we can get a feel for what the book is like.

What do you think?

Worth a try!

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